Repeat prescriptions – ORDER ONLINE
If you need regular prescriptions and your doctor does not need to see you every time, you can be issued with a repeat prescription.
You may obtain repeat prescriptions by ordering
- via the NHS App
- in person at reception,
- via your pharmacy
- via AskmyGP
- or you may post your request with a stamped addressed envelope.
We will endeavor process repeat prescription requests within 2 working days. Electronic prescriptions will be sent direct to your pharmacy. Printed repeat prescriptions may be collected 48 hours after ordering.
There are certain medications which cannot be prescribed without seeing the doctor. Patients on repeat prescriptions will be invited to the surgery for periodic checks. The computer is set to recognise when these are due and you will be informed when you call for your repeat prescription.
Patients on Warfarin must produce their yellow anti- coagulation book before prescriptions can be issued.