It is very important that all children and babies are fully immunised. Illnesses such as diphtheria, tetanus and polio are...
Flu and pneumococcal vaccinations
These are available every Winter from October onwards and can protect you from this nasty illness. It is available to...
Minor surgery services
Minor operations for warts, cysts and other problems not requiring hospital attention are under taken by both Doctors. If you...
Cervical smears
We would like all ladies to have one of these done every three or five years dependent on age from...
Maternity medical services
We hold antenatal/postnatal clinics every Wednesday morning from 10.30am by appointment. The clinics are run by the Community Midwife. Expectant...
Contraceptive services
Contraceptive advice is available from both doctors. Advice on the issue of all forms of contraception including implants is available....
Special medical examinations
Medical examinations for Life Assurance, HGV licenses etc, are undertaken by arrangement with either doctor. For an appointment, please contact...
Travel health
If you are travelling abroad you may need to be vaccinated. Please make an appointment with the practice nurse to...